Conference Registration

March 9-16 | The Presence of God Conference Week

Moses went from hiding his face from God when he first encountered him at the burning bush in Exodus 3 to speaking to God face to face as one speaks to a friend in Exodus 33 and asking God to show him his glory. What changed? His experience of God’s power and presence throughout the Exodus led him to pursue the presence of God. In this campaign we will learn from the life of Moses that we should pursue the presence of God above all else. 



  • SUN, March 9th + 16th   9AM, 10:30AM |  GUEST SPEAKERS

  • TUES, March 11th,  6-7:30PM  |  101 COURSES

    • Youth Ownership 101 (11-14 yr. olds)

    • Ownership 101: The basics of the gospel and what it looks like to make your faith your own.

    • Holy Spirit 101: The basics of who the Holy Spirit is and what he does.

    • Experiencing God: The joys and challenges of experiencing God.

  • WED, March 12th,  6-7:30PM   |  REWEWAL NIGHT

    • Renewal nights we are seeking the presence of God to renew us and asking God to renew our community. Our theme for this Renewal night is presence. A time to seek the presence of God through prayer and worship.

- Childcare and Meal Provided -

Please select all that apply.


March 9-16
The Presence of God Conference Week